3d print terrain settings
3d print terrain settings

The system is still under development, so at this current moment, there is no way for you to buy our models physically, sorry. By building the website from scratch, the manufacturer can ensure that the models are printed correctly, on time, and shipped to the right address, without any issues.

3d print terrain settings

We’re currently working closely with the manufacturer on the creation of their own store website, so that we don’t have to deal with any other platforms and messy integrations. All of these issues on Etsy have already caused significant losses on our side, and so we’re now looking at another solution. Over the last couple of months, we have been trying to get the integration to work correctly, but it appears that the integration is now completely broken, and due to the continuous changes on Etsy’s side, it’s going to be a huge effort to get it up and running again. We have been working closely with the manufacturer to ensure that everyone gets their models ASAP, and by now only a handful of orders with issues remain. This has all been working fine until a few months ago, when continuous changes to the Etsy system started breaking the integration, which caused a lot of issues. The system is quite simple, there is an integration between Etsy and the manufacturer, so that whenever an order is made on Etsy, it will be automatically sent to the printers, shipped, and a tracking number be sent to the customer.

3d print terrain settings

Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been in partnership with a 3D print miniatures manufacturer from the UK, through which we have been running our Etsy Store. Recently we’ve put our Etsy Store on pause, and have gotten loads of questions about it, so we thought it would be good to give you an overview of what is happening with our physical prints, and what you can expect in the future. Once that is done, we will move on to working on v2.50 for Age of Fantasy, which is really exciting! The current plan is to finish importing all of the Grimdark Future armies, and then move on to importing all of the GF: Firefight armies. Since this is a beta for both the app and the rules, you can expect lots of rules changes over the next period, as we playtest and adjust the armies.


Right now Army Forge is the only way to get your hands on the v2.50 beta lists, and we’ve removed the previous PDF lists which had no points, in order to make sure everyone is on the same page. We’re hoping to have all of those added by the end of next week, but no promises, development is a fickle thing. Over the last week we’ve added almost all of the armies in the game, and are currently only missing the Battle Brother Detachments, Havoc Brother Disciples and the Wormhole Daemons.

3d print terrain settings

Last week we finally released the OPR Army Forge, which is a new amazing list building tool that makes getting ready to play easier than ever!

3d print terrain settings